Press Release: GMEX Technologies and Avenir partner with Agricultural Commodity Exchange for Africa

Providing a new commodity trading and warehouse receipts system for [...]

2020-09-16T08:19:57+01:0023 April 2015|

Article: The IMM Roll for Swaps – What is it and what are the volumes?

The construction of the GMEX CMF removes the problems from [...]

2015-03-31T16:00:37+01:0031 March 2015|

Article: Buyside Use of Futures Set to Grow as Swaps Fall Out of Favour

New research by market consultancy firm Greenwich Associates uses a [...]

2015-03-16T11:17:00+00:0016 March 2015|

Press Release: GMEX Group takes stake in Avenir Technology

Complementary products will provide a complete end-to-end market infrastructure ecosystem [...]

2020-12-09T10:25:57+00:0028 January 2015|

Article: What will the derivatives trading landscape look like after Dodd-Frank and EMIR? (The GMEX view)

Harrington Star’s third edition of the The Fintech Capital features [...]

2014-08-30T08:19:30+01:0030 August 2014|
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