Article: Digital custody solutions to offer secure & trustworthy storage for investor assets

As the market for digital assets evolves, custody solutions customised [...]

2019-07-30T08:16:58+01:0030 July 2019|

Article: Top 5 digital/ crypto/ blockchain market predictions for 2019 – where are we at the half year mark?

At the start of 2019 GMEX Group made 5 digital/ [...]

2020-12-03T12:41:30+00:0017 July 2019|

Article: Interview With Hirander Misra, CEO of GMEX – Part 2: ‘From Top UK Blockchain Company To Financial Inclusion Project In Africa’

Hedgethink has had the chance to interview Hirander Misra, chairman [...]

2019-07-15T10:58:18+01:0015 July 2019|

Article: Interview With Hirander Misra, CEO of GMEX – Part 1: ‘Blockchain, Crypto And FinTech Are Forcing The Financial Industry To React’

Hedgethink has had the chance to interview Hirander Misra, chairman [...]

2019-07-15T10:55:04+01:0015 July 2019|

Article: The Financial Technologist – 2nd Edition 2019

The latest edition of The Financial Technologist compiled 50 most [...]

2020-12-03T12:56:50+00:0020 June 2019|

Article: 5 digital / crypto / blockchain market predictions for 2019

1. Game Changing Security Token Offerings Proliferation of Security Token [...]

2020-12-03T12:37:00+00:0020 December 2018|

Article: The Digital Opportunity of Brexit – A Blockchain Economy in the UK

The economic impact of Brexit has been much explored (and [...]

2021-04-22T12:32:19+01:0010 December 2018|

Article: Digital Asset Marketplaces, Digital Asset Custodians and Blockchain – Where are we headed in Mauritius in a global context?

By Hirander Misra, Chairman and CEO of GMEX Group and [...]

2018-11-12T09:14:57+00:0012 November 2018|
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