Article: The Electronic Warehouse Receipts System for the Commodities Markets of Tomorrow (part 4 of 4)

By Hirander Misra, Chairman and CEO of GMEX Group Commodities [...]

2018-02-27T09:21:29+00:0027 February 2018|

Article: What’s Next in Post Trade Clearing and Settlement? (part 3 of 4)

By Hirander Misra, Chairman and CEO of GMEX Group One [...]

2018-02-27T09:21:17+00:0027 February 2018|

Article: Rewiring today’s exchanges and post trade to forge tomorrow’s market success (Part 1 of 4)

By Hirander Misra, Chairman & CEO, GMEX Group The pressure [...]

2018-02-27T09:20:45+00:0027 February 2018|

Article: Template for change: How corporate initiatives are empowering women smallholder farmers in Malawi

Women smallholder farmers form the backbone of Malawi’s agricultural workforce, [...]

2017-05-10T15:13:29+01:0010 May 2017|

Article: A New Approach: Improving Smallholder Farmers Prospects in Malawi and Beyond in Sub Saharan Africa

By Hirander Misra, CEO of GMEX Group and Deputy Chairman [...]

2017-05-02T06:00:49+01:002 May 2017|

Article: Emerging market trading hubs – Gateways to new venues, products and markets

In this article, Mike O’Hara and Adam Cox of The [...]

2015-09-23T08:00:20+01:0023 September 2015|

Article: The IMM Roll for Swaps – What is it and what are the volumes?

The construction of the GMEX CMF removes the problems from [...]

2015-03-31T16:00:37+01:0031 March 2015|
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