Article: The post pandemic Market Infrastructure growth opportunity

By Hirander Misra, Chairman of GMEX Group   The current [...]

2021-08-11T07:22:54+01:0011 August 2021|

Article: The Financial Technologist – 2021 2nd Edition

As the World slowly eases its way back to normality, [...]

2021-07-29T08:07:30+01:0029 July 2021|

Article: Digital assets – Old World, New World

In this latest issue of Securities Finance Times magazine, securities [...]

2021-07-22T10:42:57+01:0022 July 2021|

Article: How Exchange 4.0 will Digitally Transform Financial Market Infrastructure

Powered by Ledgers: Leading Market Experts Predict How Exchange 4.0 [...]

2021-07-22T09:07:58+01:0022 July 2021|

Blog: The Next Frontier in Exchange Matching Engines for Digital Trading Systems

By Hirander Misra, CEO of GMEX Group and Chairman of [...]

2021-06-25T07:02:58+01:0025 June 2021|

Article: The UK still has a chance to be a digital finance pioneer post-Brexit, but will we seize it?

What will Britain’s role be as a financial innovation centre, [...]

2021-05-25T17:24:29+01:0025 May 2021|

Article: The Financial Technologist Q1 2021: The Most influential Fintech Companies

We made it to the most influential Fintech companies 2021 [...]

2021-03-29T11:27:53+01:0029 March 2021|

Article: Exchange 4.0: At the exchange and beyond the exchange

PlatformAfrica: "The GMEX Group and the Realization Group held a webinar on Thursday, 11 [...]

2021-03-17T16:47:20+00:0017 March 2021|

Article: Report – Out on a Ledger: How the advent of Exchange 4.0 will transform trading ecosystems

A growing number of exchanges and trading firms are embracing [...]

2021-02-16T16:04:43+00:0015 February 2021|
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