The upcoming Era of Convergence Documentary will explore the rise of Bitcoin, and the subsequent impact it has had on traditional finance. Hosted by Toby Babb, CEO and Founder of Harrington Starr and Helen Disney, Founder of The Realization Group, this documentary explores the opportunities created from the merger between Traditional Finance and Decentralised Finance, who will shape this Era of Convergence and more.
Since the days of grain merchants acting like banks through to today’s global banks, centralised organisations have evolved to allow us to trade and transact in a trusted manner.
But when financial markets crashed in 2008, giving rise to a global credit crunch, something changed. While bankers emptied out their desks, a pseudonymous individual – or group – known as Satoshi Nakamoto was busy publishing a short document which would go on to change the world.
The white paper, entitled ‘Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,’ described a means of transacting that would do away with the need for banks and middlemen. With this new form of digital currency – or cryptocurrency – anyone, anywhere could now exchange money in a decentralised way; peer-to-peer.
The birth of bitcoin was revolutionary on two fronts; giving rise to the birth of thousands of cryptocurrencies, all with different features and benefits, and sparking waves of innovation in the infrastructure of finance.
The upcoming Era of Convergence Documentary will explore the rise of Bitcoin, and the subsequent impact it has had on traditional finance.
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